Privacy Policy

In order to remember your preferences, we need to set cookies so that this information can be called whenever you interact with a page that is affected by your preferences.

Third Party Cookies

In some special cases, we also use cookies provided by trusted third parties. The following section details which third-party cookies you may encounter through this website.
This website uses Google Analytics, which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solutions on the web, to help us understand how you use the website and how we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things like how long you spend on the site and which pages you visit so that we can continue to produce engaging content.
For more information about Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
Third party analytics are used to track and measure usage of this site so that we can continue to produce engaging content. These cookies may track things like how long you spend on the site or which pages you visit, which helps us understand how we can improve the site for you.
Periodically, we test new features and make subtle changes to the way the site looks. When we are still testing new features, these cookies may be used to ensure that you receive a consistent experience whilst on the site whilst understanding which optimisations our users appreciate most.
As we sell products, it is important for us to understand statistics about how many visitors to our site actually make a purchase, and therefore this is the type of data these cookies will track. This is important to you as it means we can accurately make business predictions that allow us to analyze our advertising and product costs to ensure the best possible price.
The Google AdSense service that we use to serve you advertising uses a DoubleClick cookie to serve you more relevant ads across the web and to limit the number of times a particular ad is shown to you. For more information about AdSense, see the official AdSense Privacy FAQ.
We use advertisements to offset the costs of running this website and to provide funding for future development. The behavioral advertising cookies used by this website are designed to ensure that we provide you with the most relevant advertisements where possible, anonymously tracking your interests and presenting you with similar things that may be of interest to you.
Various partners advertise on our behalf and affiliate tracking cookies simply allow us to see whether our customers have accessed the site through one of our partners’ sites, so that we can properly credit them and, where applicable, allow our affiliate partners to offer any promotion that can provide you to make a purchase.

User Commitment

The user undertakes to make proper use of the contents and information that the website offers on the website and with an enunciative, but not limiting, character:
A) Not to engage in activities that are illegal or contrary to good faith and public order;
B) Not to disseminate propaganda or content of a racist, xenophobic, beta or bad luck nature, any type of illegal pornography, apology for terrorism or against human rights;
C) Not cause damage to the physical (hardware) and logical (software) systems of the site, its suppliers or third parties, to introduce or disseminate computer viruses or any other hardware or software systems that are capable of causing damage previously mentioned.

More information

Hopefully that’s cleared up, and as mentioned earlier, if there’s something you’re not sure you need or not, it’s generally safer to leave cookies enabled should you interact with one of the features you use on our website.
This policy is effective from September 19, 2022, 09:00 am.